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I'm Trying, Ya'll...

Writer's picture: Lady OLady O

Hey ya'll! How's everyone "COVID-ing"? We are doing well in the scheme of things, but probably like everyone else in the world...I'm so over this! Then,"virtual" school started. That should be a separate reality all on its own. COVID then VIRTUAL SCHOOL. Wait, I just had a random thought...I'm old enough to remember when I thought the future would have children learning from a teacher on the computer or having a robot for a teacher. Did anyone else have that vision for the future or is it just me?

So these last two weeks have had me feeling like I was "off-roading" instead of cruising nice and smooth! I know I'm preaching to the choir when I say these few weeks of virtual school have been challenging! It helps to know that all of this is a shared experience among the nation, but this week, that "knowing" did not help break through my frustration. Ya'll, I was struggling! But I have to hold myself accountable and take responsibility for the part that I played in my own frustrations. Yes, you heard me...I played a part in my own frustration, and by holding myself accountable I was able to learn a few lessons and take action in order to course-correct into the cruising lane...hopefully.

What was my part? And what does this have to do with a "sewing" blog, you ask? Stay with me as I try to explain. The short of the long is, I was disorganized. I was all over the place spiritually, mentally, and physically. I'm learning that I do not function well when I am disorganized or if there is disorganization around me. During this particular time, disorganization is in my spiritual life. With "church" being more predominately online, I have become lazy and I have slacked on rising early in the morning and having my daily devotional time. By not setting my day early with intention and fellowship with God, the door has been opened to disorganization in the rest of the areas in my life.

Mentally and emotionally, I started feeling like I was spiraling (again). My emotions and thoughts are all over the place, more disorganization. One minute I'm up, trying to be positive and thoughtful; the next minute I'm fighting back tears trying to keep it together. My agitation and frustration is on a very short fuse and it is interfering with how I show up and interact with my children. I ended up having a conversation with my bestie and it occurred to me that I have not been taking my medication (Zoloft) for a few months. The medication was working so well, I felt like I could stop taking it. WRONG MOVE!!! I realized that by stopping my medication, I caused this disorganization in my mind and emotions. I quickly started taking my medication again.

Now because sewing is apart of my therapy/self-care, I have to have organization in the 'Sanctuary'. I keep the 'Sanctuary' pretty neat and clean (unless I'm in the middle of a project) for the most part. I wanted to step it up a bit so I decided to organize my patterns. I am hoping that this will help me with my addiction to buying patterns that I never make! Can anyone relate...anyone...? In my defense, how can you not buy a pattern that is regularly priced at $19.99 on sale for $1.99? Well, I have a pretty nice pattern collection, so much so, I've purchased duplicate patterns because I didn't really know what I had. I believe this new pattern organization system is going to help me with the duplicate pattern buying, however, I don't think it will stop me from purchasing 10 patterns on sale for the price of one pattern at regular price.

What's your organization tip? I need all the help I can get!

P.S. As this post is published, I can report I am doing so much better :)

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